Myth or Fact? Technology Causes Cancer
One of the newest accessories of status is the Apple Airpods. You can see them everywhere, and they speak of a certain status. The price tag associated with them probably helps with that status. But there is also an air of agreement with Apple that phone jacks are superfluous. With this growing trend there is always the age-old question: will Airpods cause cancer? As we move to more Bluetooth technology, we are increasing our exposure to RF (radio frequency) energy which is a form of electromagnetic radiation. But it is not only airpods that are using this technology. It is how you receive wifi on any portable device. It is used in your smartwatches, your Bluetooth speakers, and your wireless headphones. Look around you, and you can probably count a minimum of 5 things that are all using RF energy right now.
This same debate was sparked at the rising of cell phone usage. With people using their cell phones pressed up against their ears there began to be some concern that cellphone usage may cause cancer in the brain. Studies have continued to be done to try and find correlations between RF energy and potential growth of cancerous cells. What has been difficult in this research is that technology continues to grow at an exponential rate. Where cell phone usage was considered a novelty in the early ’90s, it is now common for toddlers to have their own devices to play games or watch tv shows. This growth in the use of RF devices has some questioning if we are creating more convenience for ourselves or causing ourselves to deal with serious health issues in the future.
So Does Technology Cause Cancer?
The simple fact of the matter is this; all of the studies have come up inconclusive. We do not know if cell phones, Bluetooth technology, wifi or airpods cause cancer. But there is a concern. Many have taken the stance that the responsibility falls on the manufacturer’s to ensure that they are not putting out harmful products. Some have decided to never use their cell phones out of hands-free mode. Regardless, this is a topic that may not have an answer in some time, but it is one that we will continue to be of interest to many as they look up results on their own personal devices.