Many people will qualify for health insurance subsidies once the Affordable Care Act is initiated in January 1, 2014. The Affordable Care Act will require that anyone without health insurance from their employer acquire health insurance on their own. Whether these individuals can get federal subsidies will be based on the size of their families and the amount they make every year. Individuals will be able to find out more about these subsidies at the health care exchanges, which are set to open throughout the United States.
In general, single individuals who make less than $27,936 every year will be eligible for federal subsidies for their health insurance. Families of four will have a threshold of $57,636 to qualify for federal subsidies. Most of these federal subsidies may be adjusted based on income levels. Health insurance will no longer be determined based on prior health issues, which means that many people with prior health issues will find that their health insurance coverage is already much lower.
For more information about whether you may be eligible for cost-sharing subsidies for individual health insurance contact Bernardini & Donovan Insurance Services, experts in individual subsidies and health insurance.